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02. Нечеткие совпадения

The relevant section in the guides...

See the relevant section in your guide: Перевод Согласование Адаптация Верификация

Exercise 02.1: translate from scratch

  1. Press Ctrl+J and enter 1 to go to segment #1.

Source text reads Welcome to this survey!

  1. Translate segment #1.

Suggested translation: Bienvenue à cette enquète !

  1. Press Enter to go to the next segment.

Exercise 02.2: pretranslated and locked

You're now in segment #2.

  1. Notice how this segment is pretranslated.
  2. Notice that it has an orange background. That means that this is an enforced translation.

In other words, the translation is not editable.

  1. Make some edits to modify the translation.
  2. Press F5 to reload the project.
  3. Notice how your edits are now gone.
  4. Press Ctrl+U to go to the next untranslated segment.

That should take you to segment #3.

Exercise 02.3: insert match and update it

You're now in segment #3.

  1. Notice that there's a fuzzy match you can use.
  2. Press Ctrl+I to insert it.
  3. Looking at the match in the Matches pane, notice the difference between the new source text and the source text in "tracked changes".
  4. Update the inserted translation so that it corresponds to the source text you're translating.

Tip: Replace sanitaire with économique.

  1. Press Ctrl+U to go to the next untranslated segment.

That should take you to segment #5.

Exercise 02.4: insert match and update it

  1. Notice how pressing Ctrl+U has jumped over segment #4, which was already translated.

You're in segment #5.

  1. There is a 50% match that you could use. Press Ctrl+I to insert it.
  2. Now update the translation so that it corresponds to the source text.

Tip: delete Très and change the case of the first letter.

Expected result: Bon

  1. Press Ctrl+U to go to the next untranslated segment.

That should take you to segment #6.

Exercise 02.5: insert exact match

You're in segment #6.

  1. Notice that there's an exact match which you can use as is. Your lucky day!
  2. Press Ctrl+I to insert it.

There's nothing else to do this time :)

  1. Press Ctrl+U to go to the next untranslated segment.

That should take you to segment #7.

Exercise 02.6: select text and insert

You're in segment #7.

  1. Notice that there are two 50% matches that you could use.
  2. See what is the part that can be used in the first match.
  3. Press Ctrl+2 to select the second match.
  4. See what is the part that can be used in the second match.
  5. Press Ctrl+1 to select the first match again.

Alternate between Ctrl+1 and Ctrl+2 to highlight the differences in each match.

  1. With your mouse, select Très in match #1.

The translation of "very" in the first match is something you can use.

  1. Press Ctrl+I to insert your selection.
  2. With your mouse, select mauvais in match #2.

You can also use the translation of "bad" in the second match.

  1. Press Ctrl+I to insert your selection.

Expected result: très mauvais

  1. Press Ctrl+U to go to the next untranslated segment.

That should take you to segment #8.

Exercise 02.7: select a match and insert it

You're now in segment #8.

  1. Notice how the first match is not so convenient as the second match.
  2. Press Ctrl+2 to select match #2.
  3. Press Ctrl+I to insert match #2.

Exercise 02.8: pretranslated and editable

You're still in segment #8.

  1. Notice how segments #9 and #10 are pretranslated.
  2. Notice that they have a pink background. That means that they can be edited.
  3. Press Ctrl+U to go to the next untranslated segment.

Exercise 02.9: almost identical match

You're in segment #11.

  1. Notice how pressing Ctrl+U has jumped over the two pretranslated segments.

Source text reads Welcome to this survey.

  1. Notice how this segment is almost identical to the first segment you translated.

The only difference is in the final punctuation.

  1. Press Ctrl+I to insert the match.
  2. Update the translation now.

Replace the exclamation mark ! with a full stop .

  1. Press Ctrl+U to go to the next untranslated segment.

That should take you to segment #12.

Exercise 02.10: insert match and update it

Ok, the last one if you have time :)

You're now in segment #12.

  1. Notice that there's a fuzzy match you can use.
  2. Press Ctrl+I to insert it.
  3. Looking at the match in the Matches pane, notice the difference between the new source text and the source text in "tracked changes".
  4. Update the inserted translation so that it corresponds to the source text you're translating.

Tip: Replace financière with économique

Well done!